The Mass has been celebrated in the Cathedral for over 140 years. It is a time honored Catholic tradition to have Masses said in honor of a particular person and to provide Mass Cards to comfort relatives, friends and loved ones.
Mass Enrollment Societies - Unannounced Masses Only
Cathedral Mass Enrollment Society:
Members of the Cathedral Mass Enrollment Society, both living and deceased, are remembered collectively in a monthly Mass celebrated the first Sunday of each month for one year. The names of those being remembered are not announced individually.
To enroll a loved one in the Cathedral Mass Enrollment Society you may:
Vist the Parish House located at 14 East 51st Street, New York NY, during regular business hours
Call 646.537.7830 ext. 828 during regular business hours to speak with a representative from the Cathedral
The suggested offering to enroll someone in the Cathedral Mass Enrollment Society is $10 per enrollment. This gift helps to cover the extraordinary high costs of maintaining St. Patrick’s Cathedral.
Our Lady of Guadalupe Spiritual Enrollment – for the living:
Our Lady of Guadalupe Spiritual Enrollment Society intentions will be entrusted to Our Lady of Guadalupe honoring her as Mary, the Patroness of the Americas.
To enroll a loved one in the Our Lady of Guadalupe Spiritual Enrollment Society you may:
Vist the Parish House located at 14 East 51st Street, New York NY, during regular business hours
Call 646.537.7830 ext. 828 during regular business hours to speak with a representative from the Cathedral
The suggested offering to enroll someone in the Our Lady of Guadalupe Spiritual Enrollment is $20 per enrollment. This gift helps to cover the extraordinary high costs of maintaining St. Patrick’s Cathedral.
Novenas at Christmas, Easter, Mother’s Day & Father’s Day:
St. Patrick’s Cathedral offers enrollment for novenas to remember loved ones and friends at the above holidays. Masses will be celebrated for 9 days for the intentions of the people enrolled.
Suggested offering for the nine day novenas is $20 per enrollment. For more information regarding enrollment in these seasonal novenas, please visit or call the Parish House: 212.753.2261.